Case Studies

Document Management System for a leading Manufacturing Industry

Document Management System for a leading Manufacturing Industry


Client is one of the leading Manufacturing Industry has a solid reputation in producing high-value, well-designed, and engineering-intensive goods for satisfied customers around the world. Their advanced service includes original equipment manufacturing (OEMs) for both large and small enterprises, as well as suppliers of components.

Business Requirement

Client’s requirement was the proposed solution should be able to effectively handle Complete Document Management system for Manufacturing industry related requirements as core module along with value added features such as Tasks Management & Schedule Management.

Solution Offered

  • Client was provided with Aura – Web based QMS software that combines diverse internal processes in every facet of the organization’s operation & automates key quality management tasks such as Assessment management, Audit management, Schedule management that drive continuous improvement and ultimately lead to improved business performance.
  • Our Document Management system for Manufacturing will facilitate to avoid gaps in compliance; expose ineffective controls and help improvements in process requirements that leads to customer satisfaction and new improvement initiatives
  • With Aura Document management module, Authorized user will be able to upload the process Module Documents, Document Templates & Documents for each department under Document Category & Sub Category
  • Access to the documents can be restricted by assigning a security role with proper access rights
  • Our automated system eliminates paper based documenting works and improves the operational efficiency of Quality Management system
  • Facilitates the end user to search required Document / Template / Record in a user friendly manner
  • Streamlines complete document control from change requests to document archiving
  • Document Change Request process provides the complete Change Request Information, Basic document details, Change Impact information such as Name of the document, Change Description (Specifies the changes incorporated in the document ), Purpose of Change, Document type ( New or Revised ) Name of the Module & Section ( Specifies the name of the Module & section in which the document to be uploaded), Document Reference code ( If the document uploading was a new document, specify the new reference number else the old reference number) , Revision No (Old), Revision No (Updated)
  • It provides the Approval Information such as Approved by, Approved On & Approval mode with the Next steps such as to be Uploaded in Portal & Quality manual

Benefits of Document Management System

  • Document / Data decentralization – Online document Management system. Anybody who is in need of a document / template can get the document at time of need
  • Efficient Event / Schedule Management – Time spent for communicating the audit plans, reports & tracking the status will be reduced
  • Complete Automation of Audit Activities
  • Using the system Auditors can provide their observations & track observations as Major NC, Minor NC & OI
  • Audit report helps in tracking Audit Observations Conformities, Non Conformities and Opportunity for Improvement in Project Audits, Product Audits & Department Audits.
  • Valid OIs for Process Improvements & New Initiatives Implementation
  • Effective task management supports from missing out tasks. Also facilitate to track the task completion trend