Client is one of the leading manufacturer & exporter of submersible pumps and motors in India. They have distribution network with distributors & dealers across the country. As a fast growing brand client export products to many countries as well. Their aim was to offer support customers on time and keep their pumps working efficiently to ensure long, trouble free operation.
Business Requirement
- Client wants us to propose a solution to effectively handle their manual documentation system to automated Document management with extensive reports as core module along with Audit Management & Tasks management as value added features.
Solution offered
- Client was provided with Aura web – based QMS software that combines diverse internal processes in every facet of the organization’s operation & facilitates by automating key quality management tasks for improved business performance.
- Aura comprehensive quality management system supported the client to avoid gaps in compliance; expose ineffective controls and help improvements in production process requirements that lead to customer satisfaction and new improvement initiatives.
Centralized Secured Document Management System with DCR
- Regulatory compliance is one of the biggest challenge in pump manufacturing. Manufacturers require automated software solutions to handle complete Document management & comprehensive Audit management.
- AURA’s document management system allowed the client to centralize their documents into an enterprise-wide platform and authorized user can upload all organization related documents, templates & records department wise in a secured manner.
- Bulk upload option of documents by document category wise reduced searching time and increased the traceability of documents.
- Our well-defined workflow simplified their Review & Approval process, also streamlined the document change approval process.
- Major steps followed in our DCR (Document Change Request) process are Change Request details, Document change details, Change Impact details & Approval details. This gave the client a better clarity & Information tracking anytime and ensures that executives can access the right document any time.
- Aura thus improved the overall organization’s security of Documents/Templates/Records with configurable user group based security access.
- In addition to the above core module other modules that caters to the business need are Audit Management, Tasks Management, Meetings Management.
- Better Traceability & information tracking
- Data centralization for easy access
- Saves lot of time in Manual work
- Privileged access for various category of users
- Effective DCR process for easy maintenance of changes & impact
- Being empowered with dash board Aura added more value to the client’s business process
Contact us for document management solution – Demo